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L-5 dorsal root, S-1 spinal ganglion, S-2 spinal nerve, S-3 ventral primary ramus, S-4 ventral primary ramus, S-5 ventral primary ramus, alar plate(s), allantois, basal plate, coccygeal plexus, digit 4, edge of herniated midgut, extravasated blood cells, floor plate, marginal vein, median sacral artery, roof plate, sulcus limitans, tail bud remnant, umbilical cord

A section through the caudal edge of the herniated midgut.

1. The primordium of the fourth digit of the foot.
2. The median sacral artery coursing into the tail bud remnant.
3. The four plates of the spinal cord in oblique section.

Keywords: L-5 dorsal root, S-1 spinal ganglion, S-2 spinal nerve, S-3 ventral primary ramus, S-4 ventral primary ramus, S-5 ventral primary ramus, alar plate(s), allantois, basal plate, coccygeal plexus, digit 4, edge of herniated midgut, extravasated blood cells, floor plate, marginal vein, median sacral artery, roof plate, sulcus limitans, tail bud remnant, umbilical cord

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.